Scientific Evidence for a Creator - Joe Rogan & Stephen Meyer
It’s summer time and I’m on holidays. So, I thought I’d dip into some Joe Rogan. And what should come up on my Youtube feed first? An interview with Stephen C Meyer who is causing some serious scientific waves. It’s episode #2008. And along the way, Joe Rogan asks sharp and insightful questions, challenging Stephen’s ideas.
Some of the issues hit in just the first 30 minutes of this amazing interview are: Materialism as a spent force in dealing with key scientific questions. The reliability of the human mind and what justifies it. Microevolution processes make sense but neo-darwinism has major problems. And why did these questions become the big questions for Stephen C Meyer.
Who is Stephen C Meyer?
From his website, it’s clear he is a serious scientific thinker. He has a degree in physics and earth science, worked as a geophysicist, completed a Masters in Philosophy and then a Ph.D on “Of Clues and Causes: A Methodological Interpretation of Origin-of-Life Research”
Since then he has published 3 books and contributed to another 15. His books are: Darwin’s Doubts, The Return of the God Hypothesis, Signature in the Cells. He has a free minibook on the question of God and science available on his website. Link on the button at the bottom.
Here’s the interview on Youtube - Joe Rogan Experience.
And below that a short clip on ‘Who created the creator?’ as Stephen responds to Joe.
Here’s a short clip where Stephen Meyer responds to Joe Rogan’s question, ‘Who created the creator?’
If the question of science and God is something you wrestle with, you might like to check out his a free minbook ‘“Scientific Evidence for a Creator.’