Reading God's word - 4 important questions

Reading God's word - 4 important questions

Reading the Bible is amazing. You are hearing the living creator God speak to you by his Holy Spirit. But how do you get started. Read, answering these four questions. I think they are the four most important questions when it comes to reading any passage.

Photo by Meredith Spencer on Unsplash

Growing Disciples of Jesus - Saturate Questions

Growing Disciples of Jesus - Saturate Questions

It isn’t enough for a Christian to know about Jesus. The call is to follow Jesus. It is a life of discipleship. Discipleship isn’t about knowing the right answers. Though we need to know the truth. Discipleship is about knowing the truth and obeying the truth.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash Edited.

Radical Ministry - 1 Thessalonians 2

Radical Ministry - 1 Thessalonians 2

In the Apostle Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, his ministry pattern is laid bare. Paul and his team were there for only a few short weeks before conflict and persecution drove them away. But so deep and clear was Paul’s pattern of ministry that he can write back to them and point out what the Thessalonians experienced. In this he lays bare a ministry pattern that Christians can learn from and use to serve others.

Photo by NARINDER PAL on Unsplash

The day when we hug Xavier again

The day when we hug Xavier again

I’m deeply missing Xavier my son who died just over 2 years ago from a terrible sarcoma. I would love to hug him and hold him again. If I did, I’m not sure I could ever let go.

But, I cannot hug him or hold him. Death has stolen him from me, from my wife, Kathryn, from his brothers, his grandparents, his aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. But, I will hug him again because of the resurrection.

Photo by Rose Erkul on Unsplash

Track your Bible Reading by Chapters

Track your Bible Reading by Chapters

Track your Bible reading by the chapters with this simple Excel file. Download it. Free.
Every book of the Bible, in order.
A box to tick or highlight for every chapter.

Forgive - why should I and how can I?

Forgive - why should I and how can I?

Forgiveness. An easy word to say. But what’s involved in forgiving others? Here it is in four parts. All of these required some deep heart work.

Original Photo by mark tulin on Unsplash. (edited)

Scientific Evidence for a Creator - Joe Rogan & Stephen Meyer

Scientific Evidence for a Creator - Joe Rogan & Stephen Meyer

Is there scientific evidence for a Creator? Joe Rogan digs deep into this question with thinker Stephen C Meyer. The evidence might surprise you.

Property Market Forecast

Property Market Forecast

‘Grim Property Outlook’. So warned the infotainment morning TV show yesterday morning. The property outlook was dark and foreboding. Poverty and austerity were the likely future. It was GRIM.

But when we consider the promises that will be true in Jesus, the property outlook isn’t grim. It is wonderful.

Photo by Daniel Barnes on Unsplash

How to read Colossians

How to read Colossians

Colossians is a great book of the Bible because it absolutely centred on Jesus. It is a letter to the church in the Ancient city of Colossea. They’d heard the gospel from someone who lived in their city. Paul writes to them to make sure the gospel is absolutely clear in their heads & hearts. He want them to know Jesus and serve him.

Ruins of the ancient city of Colossae. Photo by A.Savin, Wikipedia

How to Read Mark's Gospel

How to Read Mark's Gospel

Mark’s Gospel is the action packed gospel. This guide will help you read Mark’s Gospel and see Jesus in all his power, love and authority.

Storm on the Sea of Galilee By Rembrandt - :

Public Domain,

How to read Luke's Gospel

How to read Luke's Gospel

Do you want to (re)start reading the Bible? We’d love to help you with this reading guide for Luke’s Gospel. It will help you discover Jesus who is the key to understand the love of God and the story of the whole Bible.

Image: By The Prodigal Son by Rembrandt — Google Arts & Culture, Public Domain,

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the Unforgivable Sin

The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and the Unforgivable Sin

What is the unforgivable sin and the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit? The stakes are high for this seems to contradict the offer of forgiveness in other parts of Scripture. And, it seems there is a sin that crosses a line that can never be uncrossed. Does this unravel Jesus' work on the cross?

Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash

What would Jesus' visit to Timor-Leste look like?

What would Jesus' visit to Timor-Leste look like?

Pope Francis is coming to the tiny new nation of Timor-Leste. His visit couldn't be more different to Jesus' first coming. What does the difference show us?

Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

How God became Jesus - Another response to Bart Ehrman

Has Bart Ehrman's teaching unsettled you or influenced you? It shouldn't. Here I share a book that is devastating to Bart Ehrman's scholarship. Not only that, but it will help you see that the Bible teaches Jesus is indeed God, God the Son.