Who is Jesus?

The day when we hug Xavier again

The day when we hug Xavier again

I’m deeply missing Xavier my son who died just over 2 years ago from a terrible sarcoma. I would love to hug him and hold him again. If I did, I’m not sure I could ever let go.

But, I cannot hug him or hold him. Death has stolen him from me, from my wife, Kathryn, from his brothers, his grandparents, his aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. But, I will hug him again because of the resurrection.

Photo by Rose Erkul on Unsplash

What would Jesus' visit to Timor-Leste look like?

What would Jesus' visit to Timor-Leste look like?

Pope Francis is coming to the tiny new nation of Timor-Leste. His visit couldn't be more different to Jesus' first coming. What does the difference show us?

Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

The hope of the resurrection

The hope of the resurrection

In memory of Xavier Jonathan Hohnberg, a loved son, in the hope of the resurrection of the dead by the power of Jesus.

Getting more Gold from Luke's Gospel - Summary of Luke's Gospel

Getting more Gold from Luke's Gospel - Summary of Luke's Gospel

Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful piece of writing revealing to us the beautiful saviour Jesus Christ. May this short summary help you see the story line of Luke’s Gospel. You should also check out our Luke’s Gospel reading guide blog post.

Photo by Emerson Peters on Unsplash

Jesus and his claim to be God - John's Gospel

Jesus and his claim to be God - John's Gospel

Did Jesus claim to be God? Yes! But we need to have the eyes to see it. And a key to seeing this key lies in understanding Jesus’ I am statements.

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Did Jesus really live and die? Even sceptical scholarship reveals a 'yes'

Did Jesus really live and die? Even sceptical scholarship reveals a 'yes'

Easter - the most important Christian event of the calendar. So important that without Easter Christmas has no point. For Easter is all about Jesus’ death to take away sin for humanity. But is this all just a myth? Can we have any confidence in the historical details? Yes we can. We can know what Christians believed about Jesus as early as 35 AD even from sceptical scholarship.

Evolution makes more sense – Thought catalogue 6

Evolution makes more sense – Thought catalogue 6

The article claims that evolution makes more sense but that isn’t the heart of their issue. Their issue is that religion offers no good answers or rather, ‘answers that sound like they’re making up excuses.’ I think that perspective can be challenged.

I can be good without God - Thought Catalogue 4

I can be good without God - Thought Catalogue 4

The writer’s experience from religion classes was that Christianity is about instilling values with the ultimate goal of eternal reward and avoiding suffering. This isn’t the Christian message but a misunderstanding and a very significant one.

Who is Jesus? Mark's Gospel

Who is Jesus? Mark's Gospel

Who is Jesus? Is he a good man? A teacher? A lunatic? A liar and a deceiver? A pretend Messiah? A man possessed by evil? A short sailing trip breaks all these categories for Jesus’ disciples.

Photo by Jéan Cloete on Unsplash

How to read Mark’s Gospel - Overview of the book of Mark

Mark’s Gospel is short but punchy. It feels like the action version of the story of Jesus, with a kind of Bruce Willis, Die Hard feel, where events pile up on each other with barely a moment to spare. But there is a structure to Mark’s Gospel and understanding the structure opens the whole book up to us.

Why follow Jesus and not Buddha or Muhammed or Hinduism?

Why follow Jesus and not Buddha or Muhammed or Hinduism?

Why follow Jesus and not Buddha or Muhammed or Hinduism? And what’s with Christians who just know Jesus is the way to God? That was the essence of the question sent to me on messenger. Here’s my reply, with some extra details.

With thanks - photo by Jonathan Klok on Unsplash

Did Jesus claim to be God? A response to Bart Ehrman

Did Jesus claim to be God? A response to Bart Ehrman

A big scholar claims that Jesus never claimed to be God. Is he right? Nope he’s wrong. Let me show you from the Bible.
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash