Objections to Christianity

Scientific Evidence for a Creator - Joe Rogan & Stephen Meyer

Scientific Evidence for a Creator - Joe Rogan & Stephen Meyer

Is there scientific evidence for a Creator? Joe Rogan digs deep into this question with thinker Stephen C Meyer. The evidence might surprise you.

How God became Jesus - Another response to Bart Ehrman

Has Bart Ehrman's teaching unsettled you or influenced you? It shouldn't. Here I share a book that is devastating to Bart Ehrman's scholarship. Not only that, but it will help you see that the Bible teaches Jesus is indeed God, God the Son.

Is Jesus God? A response to Islam Online

Is Jesus God? A response to Islam Online

Search up ‘Is Jesus God?’ and you’ll discover Islam online. The claim is that not only was Jesus not God, but that he asserted he was not God. Jesus was a rabbi. Devout, learned but just a rabbi who taught and followed the Mosaic Law. The author’s proof all comes from the Bible. Is he right? Far from it.

In this blog post I examine the author’s claims and the Bible passages he references and show that Jesus thought he was in fact God.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Can we trust the New Testament documents?

Can we trust the New Testament documents?

Was it the church councils of the 4th Century that finally established the authority of the New Testament documents and declare them Scripture? No, there is very good historical evidence that the New Testament documents were considered authoritative by the start of the 2nd century.

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

How were slaves treated in the ancient world?

How were slaves treated in the ancient world?

AC Grayling’s essential argument is that the various good things of Western civilisation that we consider quite wonderful didn’t proceed from Christianity. They were already there in classical culture (Greek and Roman culture) and preceded Christianity. They aren’t Christian ideas at all. But on the issue of slavery his evidence doesn’t support his position at all.

The Problem of Contradictions - a response to Bart Ehrman

The Problem of Contradictions - a response to Bart Ehrman

Scholar Bart Ehrman proposes that term are a lot of contradictions in the Bible. He is very enthusiastic about us reading the Bible horizontally. However, when we take the time to read the text carefully, as he suggests, many of the contradictions are very fragile. And some are not contradictions at all. Here I work through some of the contradictions he proposes. Why don’t you be the judge?

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

Being on the right side of Christmas

Being on the right side of Christmas

This might be a surprising twist to you. Celebrating Christmas because of Jesus is not celebrating myths, rumours and half-forgotten folklore. Rather, it is a celebration of events that unfolded in history. It seems again, that people worshipping Jesus are on the right side of history.

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Jesus keeps the 10 Commandments for us

Jesus keeps the 10 Commandments for us

Have you ever met one of those Christians who just seems so sure about their salvation? What’s with that? Are they so sure they’ve kept all God’s rules and laws? Is that it? No, not at all. A Christian’s confidence comes from the fact that the laws have been fulfilled for them by someone else.

Photo by Adrian Curiel on Unsplash

Are women worth less than men in the Bible?

Are women worth less than men in the Bible?

Shiny shekels seem to be upsetting a lot of people. They read just a handful of sentences from the book of Leviticus and have concluded that women are less valuable in the Bible. It’s all part of the Christian patriarchal agenda. And that theory holds up until you read just a couple more sentences in the very same chapter. And then you have a problem because you see its about women being more valuable.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

Did Jesus really live and die? Even sceptical scholarship reveals a 'yes'

Did Jesus really live and die? Even sceptical scholarship reveals a 'yes'

Easter - the most important Christian event of the calendar. So important that without Easter Christmas has no point. For Easter is all about Jesus’ death to take away sin for humanity. But is this all just a myth? Can we have any confidence in the historical details? Yes we can. We can know what Christians believed about Jesus as early as 35 AD even from sceptical scholarship.

Christian Dogma

Christian Dogma

When we hear the word dogma we get worried. It just sounds bad! But before we race to reject Christian dogma we need to consider things a little more deeply. I want to suggest that there is even - good dogma.

Photo by Jason Betz on Unsplash (edited)

Evolution makes more sense – Thought catalogue 6

Evolution makes more sense – Thought catalogue 6

The article claims that evolution makes more sense but that isn’t the heart of their issue. Their issue is that religion offers no good answers or rather, ‘answers that sound like they’re making up excuses.’ I think that perspective can be challenged.

I can be good without God - Thought Catalogue 4

I can be good without God - Thought Catalogue 4

The writer’s experience from religion classes was that Christianity is about instilling values with the ultimate goal of eternal reward and avoiding suffering. This isn’t the Christian message but a misunderstanding and a very significant one.

Did Jesus claim to be God? A response to Bart Ehrman

Did Jesus claim to be God? A response to Bart Ehrman

A big scholar claims that Jesus never claimed to be God. Is he right? Nope he’s wrong. Let me show you from the Bible.
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Leviticus 19:19 and why Christians should wear poly / cotton socks and undies

Leviticus 19:19 and why Christians should wear poly / cotton socks and undies

A friend sent me a meme on Leviticus 19:19. The meme was confrontational and deliberately offensive. Since Christians wear polyester and cotton socks which are a blend of two materials – they break Leviticus 19:19. ‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.’ So, how can Christians say anything about sexual ethics or anything else that might spring from Leviticus as a standard since they break the rules themselves?