Hear, love and fear the Lord for this will be your life.
Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash
Colossians is a great book of the Bible because it absolutely centred on Jesus. It is a letter to the church in the Ancient city of Colossea. They’d heard the gospel from someone who lived in their city. Paul writes to them to make sure the gospel is absolutely clear in their heads & hearts. He want them to know Jesus and serve him.
Ruins of the ancient city of Colossae. Photo by A.Savin, Wikipedia
Mark’s Gospel is the action packed gospel. This guide will help you read Mark’s Gospel and see Jesus in all his power, love and authority.
Storm on the Sea of Galilee By Rembrandt - www.gardnermuseum.org :
Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6812612
What is the unforgivable sin and the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit? The stakes are high for this seems to contradict the offer of forgiveness in other parts of Scripture. And, it seems there is a sin that crosses a line that can never be uncrossed. Does this unravel Jesus' work on the cross?
Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash
Pope Francis is coming to the tiny new nation of Timor-Leste. His visit couldn't be more different to Jesus' first coming. What does the difference show us?
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash
A friend sent me a meme on Leviticus 19:19. The meme was confrontational and deliberately offensive. Since Christians wear polyester and cotton socks which are a blend of two materials – they break Leviticus 19:19. ‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.’ So, how can Christians say anything about sexual ethics or anything else that might spring from Leviticus as a standard since they break the rules themselves?
The Bible can seem overwhelming but once you know the key theme that gives a framework for the Bible things really start to change. And once you start to understand the timeline (chronology) even more things fall into place. Download these two PDF files to help you read the whole Bible and understand it.
With thanks to Aaron Burden Unsplash.com for the original image. This is an edited picture.