I love sitting down with my printed Bible, a coffee and hitting some chapters. Or even a whole book of the Bible if I’ve got a free morning.
And I don’t like always being on my phone. Getting back on my phone for tasks often drags me back to the digital world. Which is what lots of Bible reading plans on various Apps do; they drag me back to my phone and the online world. I don’t want that.
So, to help you and help me hit the Scriptures and track our Bible reading here is an Excel spreadsheet with each book of the Bible.
The books are in the order of your standard Bible and the chapter numbers are added and boxed in for ticking.
Download it, print it out, stick in your Bible or put it on your noticeboard. Whatever helps you go deeper with your Heavenly Father by listening to him more.
May God bless you as you go deep into his word.
If this is useful to you, please let others know or let us know. Thanks!
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash