Brisbane church

Track your Bible Reading by Chapters

Track your Bible Reading by Chapters

Track your Bible reading by the chapters with this simple Excel file. Download it. Free.
Every book of the Bible, in order.
A box to tick or highlight for every chapter.

Property Market Forecast

Property Market Forecast

‘Grim Property Outlook’. So warned the infotainment morning TV show yesterday morning. The property outlook was dark and foreboding. Poverty and austerity were the likely future. It was GRIM.

But when we consider the promises that will be true in Jesus, the property outlook isn’t grim. It is wonderful.

Photo by Daniel Barnes on Unsplash

Everything has changed

Everything has changed

Everything has changed… That’s a big claim. It’s the kind of claim that gets you into trouble because it so big. As they say in sales, ‘under promise and over deliver’. This claim seems to make the opposite mistake. It seems to over promise and have no hope of delivery. Until you consider the resurrection of Jesus.

Photo by Ross Findon Unsplash