Perhaps you’ve heard of the recent kerfuffle in the Anglican Church. This post explores what Jeremy Greaves thinks. He will be the Archbishop of the Province of Queensland starting in December 2023.
Photo by David Bumgardner on Unsplash. Edited
Mark’s Gospel is the action packed gospel. This guide will help you read Mark’s Gospel and see Jesus in all his power, love and authority.
Storm on the Sea of Galilee By Rembrandt - :
Public Domain,
What is the unforgivable sin and the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit? The stakes are high for this seems to contradict the offer of forgiveness in other parts of Scripture. And, it seems there is a sin that crosses a line that can never be uncrossed. Does this unravel Jesus' work on the cross?
Photo by Norbert Braun on Unsplash
Pope Francis is coming to the tiny new nation of Timor-Leste. His visit couldn't be more different to Jesus' first coming. What does the difference show us?
Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash
Has Bart Ehrman's teaching unsettled you or influenced you? It shouldn't. Here I share a book that is devastating to Bart Ehrman's scholarship. Not only that, but it will help you see that the Bible teaches Jesus is indeed God, God the Son.
What is Church and why does it matter?
Perhaps you’ve heard of the recent kerfuffle in the Anglican Church. This post explores what Jeremy Greaves thinks. He will be the Archbishop of the Province of Queensland starting in December 2023.
Photo by David Bumgardner on Unsplash. Edited
Tom Holland's thesis, in his book Dominion, is potentially controversial but difficult to ignore: while the West has definitely moved into a post-Christian era, most of the core basic beliefs that we all hold true are lifted directly from the Christian faith.
What is it about Brooklyn 99? I’ve got so many friends who love the show. It could be the comedy, which is awesome, but I think it is more than the comedy. There is something deeper on going that speaks to our hearts during the laughs.
Every church, except the really kooky ones, say that they teach God’s word, the Bible? But are they really? Here’s six questions to help you evaluate the teaching at your church.
Photo: Unsplash. Samantha Sophia
Dear Marty, all those issues that you raised that make you disbelieve and that no one talks about, the Bible talks about them. A lot! I’m so sorry. Your church should have been talking about them because the Bible talks about them.
Looking for a church? What is the teaching like - is it junk food or real food?
Photo by Peter Wendt