
Death is trending on Twitter

Death is trending on Twitter

Until this year, the sure way to kill a conversation or slay a whole dinner party was to raise the topic of death. Unless, of course, it was a horrific public murder. But otherwise, even alluding to death was the social equivalent of deliberately insulting the party host. But, now, death is trending on twitter.

Original Photo by William on Unsplash (Edited)

The fear of death that masters us

The fear of death that masters us

The fear of death has mastery over us, and we are captive to it. It does more than influence us. It controls us. This is why we stockpile toilet paper, sanitiser and rice. It is the reason some of us might pull a knife and it is the reason those in the past abandoned their loved ones. The fear of death is greater than we realise.

Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash