Brooklyn 99 and the local church

Brooklyn 99 and the local church

What is it about Brooklyn 99? I’ve got so many friends who love the show. It could be the comedy, which is awesome, but I think it is more than the comedy. There is something deeper on going that speaks to our hearts during the laughs.

How to read Mark's Gospel - Part 1

How to read Mark's Gospel - Part 1

Over one summer in Sydney, Jesus thundered into my mind. Before that summer, Jesus was insipid in my mind. He was a slight, white figure with no power, no majesty and no strength. Yes, I knew he went to the cross for me, but it seemed a passive path, with a sad inevitability about it. But as I met Jesus in Mark’s gospel I was stunned by the strength of his character and deliberate desire to offer himself on the Cross.  
The next few blog posts are written to help you read Mark’s Gospel.
Photo by Igor Rodrigues on Unsplash

The Bible is God's living word

The Bible is God's living word

In my life the Bible has been a bright light shining in a dark world. It has been a living word in which I’ve heard the very voice of God. Now, many might recoil at this wild and dangerous assertion by a church pastor. So let me show you that this wild and dangerous assertion is made by the Bible itself.
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Unsplash

Is every church teaching God's word, the Bible?

Is every church teaching God's word, the Bible?

Every church, except the really kooky ones, say that they teach God’s word, the Bible? But are they really? Here’s six questions to help you evaluate the teaching at your church.

Photo: Unsplash. Samantha Sophia

Dear Marty Sampson - the Bible talks about all those issues

Dear Marty Sampson -  the Bible talks about all those issues

Dear Marty, all those issues that you raised that make you disbelieve and that no one talks about, the Bible talks about them. A lot! I’m so sorry. Your church should have been talking about them because the Bible talks about them.

Leviticus 19:19 and why Christians should wear poly / cotton socks and undies

Leviticus 19:19 and why Christians should wear poly / cotton socks and undies

A friend sent me a meme on Leviticus 19:19. The meme was confrontational and deliberately offensive. Since Christians wear polyester and cotton socks which are a blend of two materials – they break Leviticus 19:19. ‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.’ So, how can Christians say anything about sexual ethics or anything else that might spring from Leviticus as a standard since they break the rules themselves?

Understanding the Whole Bible and reading the Old Testament

Understanding the Whole Bible and reading the Old Testament

The Bible can seem overwhelming but once you know the key theme that gives a framework for the Bible things really start to change. And once you start to understand the timeline (chronology) even more things fall into place. Download these two PDF files to help you read the whole Bible and understand it.

With thanks to Aaron Burden for the original image. This is an edited picture.

Will you worship Steve Jobs or his iPhone?

 Will you worship Steve Jobs or his iPhone?

You stand there marvelling. It is everything you heard it would be, but more. The form and the function are perfect. But then, you notice a presence in the room. You turn around and there HE is. The legendary Steve Jobs.

Photo by with thanks to Lorenzo Rui

You don't need to fear the future

You don't need to fear the future

Most of us fear the future. We fear the unknown. The future is an undiscovered country and no one has been there.

And this fear of the unknown future has caused untold misery in the world. Nationally and internationally as tribes, nations, rulers, companies and individuals have all jockeyed for positions of power and security.

But we don’t need to fear the future.

Original Photo by Samuel Zeller on Edited.

Get more gold from Luke's gospel - Reading guide

Get more gold from Luke's gospel - Reading guide

This is a reading guide for Luke’s gospel. Its goal is to help you get the most gold as you read Luke. Luke is a beautiful piece of writing. It reveals Jesus as the suffering servant king who comes to fulfill God’s promises. We, humanity, are revealed to be lost and far from God, oppressed by spiritual forces of evil and captive to our own sinfulness. Jesus comes to free us - to bring forgiveness. It’s great news worth reading for yourself.

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash

Would you act to end evil?

Would you act to end evil?

What will you do? A young man, bulky with muscle, skin blackened with Nazi tattoos, full of rage and spitting hatred is bent over and brutally beating a young woman. His hands are red with her blood. She is screaming for help. No one is coming. The man stands up to start kicking her with his boots. What will you do? Will you act to end evil?

Original photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash. Edited

More than 6 Reasons Ricky Gervais' ideas shouldn't persuade you without some thinking

More than 6 Reasons Ricky Gervais' ideas shouldn't persuade you without some thinking

A friend invited me to watch Ricky Gervais’ Religion vs Atheism Youtube video. I enjoyed it. Ricky is a brilliant communicator. And then I wrote a response. Each heading below aims to capture the heart of his idea and then I aim to show you why it shouldn’t persuade you.

Jesus and toxic masculinity

Jesus and toxic masculinity

Two types of masculinity – toxic and Jesus – are on display in the Bible. Toxic masculinity is everywhere. Cain smashes the life from his brother Abel with a rock, Lamech celebrates his violence, Abraham risks his wife because of cowardice and so on. The list goes devastingly on and on. Even the great heroes of the faith show soul shuddering weakness. But there is also Jesus. And he reveals another masculinity.

Photo by filip mroz on

'This is water' is deep but love is the solution

'This is water' is deep but love is the solution

‘This is Water’ by David Foster Wallace is one of the most read speeches on the internet of all time. And it is deep. But he fails to understand that we are shaped and driven by love rather than thinking. Love is the solution.

With thanks to Jong Marshes from

I like junk food until I don't

I like junk food until I don't

Looking for a church? What is the teaching like - is it junk food or real food?

Photo by Peter Wendt