Mark’s Gospel is short but punchy. It feels like the action version of the story of Jesus, with a kind of Bruce Willis, Die Hard feel, where events pile up on each other with barely a moment to spare. But there is a structure to Mark’s Gospel and understanding the structure opens the whole book up to us.
Reading Deuteronomy 3
Deuteronomy starts pretty clear recapping the history of Israel. Then comes the 10 commandments and what it means to live in the land. But what’s with chapters 12 to 26 - they seem random? But are they?
Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash
Why follow Jesus and not Buddha or Muhammed or Hinduism?
Why follow Jesus and not Buddha or Muhammed or Hinduism? And what’s with Christians who just know Jesus is the way to God? That was the essence of the question sent to me on messenger. Here’s my reply, with some extra details.
With thanks - photo by Jonathan Klok on Unsplash
Did Jesus claim to be God? A response to Bart Ehrman
A big scholar claims that Jesus never claimed to be God. Is he right? Nope he’s wrong. Let me show you from the Bible.
Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash
Really good people think they are better than God
Will God hear my prayers?
Worried God won’t hear your prayer? If that’s you, here’s a prayer for you.
Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash
Moving to study at Griffith University Brisbane? A short guide
Below is a short guide if you’re moving to the area to study at Griffith University. We’re a church with a bunch of students from Griffith University. We love connecting with and caring for students.
Reading Deuteronomy 2 - Chapters 6 to 11
Reading Deuteronomy
Deuteronomy is God’s living word given to us so that we might know God’s grace and love for his people. Read on to discover some of the key ideas and the structure of Deuteronomy. May this help you discover and read Deuteronomy.
Photo by Taylor Wilcox on Unsplash
In the midst of Covid-19 kind words matter more than ever
Kind words matter more than ever. Have you heard them?
Photo (Facebook/Aleeia Abraham)
In Queens, NYPD officers kneeled alongside demonstrators as civilians read the names of black people killed by police throughout the years. (Channel 9)
Sound doctrine and systematic theology
Without healthy teaching (sound doctrine) God’s people cannot live the lives that God desires for us and our mission to the world is crippled. But with godly thinking from godly teaching comes a godly life. Christians need sound doctrine.
It bears repeating
A really simple key to reading the Bible is to notice what the writer repeats. You’ll learn a lot more from this than from verses of the day or from a Bible streak on an app that throws up random verses each morning.
Death is trending on Twitter
Until this year, the sure way to kill a conversation or slay a whole dinner party was to raise the topic of death. Unless, of course, it was a horrific public murder. But otherwise, even alluding to death was the social equivalent of deliberately insulting the party host. But, now, death is trending on twitter.
Spitting and salvation
So, what does it say about the human heart that the overflow is spit? And what does it say when one person thinks another person deserves their phlegm?
Photo with thanks - By Asael Peña on Unsplash
In anxious times look to God - Psalm 121
In anxious times we look for help. Our true help is not the government, nor our own strength and power. Our true help is our creator, God. He is our protection and the one who can protect us even in death. Is God the one you look to in anxious times?
The fear of death that masters us
The fear of death has mastery over us, and we are captive to it. It does more than influence us. It controls us. This is why we stockpile toilet paper, sanitiser and rice. It is the reason some of us might pull a knife and it is the reason those in the past abandoned their loved ones. The fear of death is greater than we realise.
Photo by Pascal Debrunner on Unsplash
You are right - this world is not enough
This world is not enough. Yes, it’s the name of a not great 1990’s Bond film with Pierce Brosnan, but it also how we are all living now. We live like this world is not enough. And you’re right. This world is not enough.
How to read Mark's Gospel - Reading Guide
Read Mark’s Gospel in just 21 days, taking 10-15 minutes a day. You could read most of these in 5-6 minutes giving you 10 minutes to think about what you’ve read.
BTW - Ignore the headings in most printed Bibles. They are a distraction from the flow and connections!
Photo by Ranit Chakraborty on Unsplash
A New Year Prayer for Change
How to read Mark's Gospel - Part 2
Does Jesus have the right to rule?
I recently watched the new movie about Henry 5th – The King. He is a young King who wants to unite England under his rule. One of the key questions threaded through the movie is – does he have what it takes to rule? Can be bring the people of England together under his rule and what will it take?
Jesus says he is bringing the Kingdom of God. Does he have the right to rule? Mark’s Gospel answers this question.